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Sateyendra nath bose

                                      Sateyendra nath bose

S. N. Bose founded quantum statistics in 1924 when he discovered a new way to derive Planck’s radiation law.
Bose’s method was based on the argument that one photon of light is not distinguishable from another of the same color, which meant that a new way of counting particles was needed – Bose’s statistics.
Albert Einstein extended Bose’s argument to a wider range of phenomena. Nowadays, any particle that behaves in accordance with Bose’s statistics is classed as a boson, named in honor of Bose.
S. N. Bose was one of India’s most eminent scientists. Bose’s achievements in scientific research were not as sustained or as numerous as those of his contemporaries like C. V. Raman, Meghnad Saha and K. S. Krishnan, together with whom he became a pioneer of education and research in modern physics in India. But the circumstances of Bose’s intellectual development were unusual and he was destined to play an inspiring role in the scientific and cultural life of his country. Bose’s novel derivation of Planck’s radiation formula, the only significant contribution which he made to physics, came at a turning point between the old quantum theory of Planck, Einstein, Bohr and Sommerfeld and the new quantum mechanics of Heisenberg, Dirac and Schrodinger. Bose sent his paper early in June 1924 to Albert Einstein who recognized its merit, translated it into German, and had it published in the Zeitschrift für Physik . During the summer of 1924 Einstein also received, from Paul Langevin in Paris, a copy of the doctoral thesis of Louis de Broglie dealing with the wave aspects of matter. Bose’s work became the point of departure for Einstein’s investigation on the quantum theory of monatomic ideal gases and ‘gas degeneracy’, leading to his prediction of the condensation phenomenon. Einstein recognized the importance of de Broglie’s ideas and also made use of them in his investigation. In turn, these papers of de Broglie and Einstein stimulated Schrodinger to develop his wave mechanics. The ‘Bose-Einstein statistics’ immediately fitted into the framework of quantum mechanics and enshrined Bose’s name in physics for ever. Bose lived the legend of this fateful encounter with Einstein throughout the rest of his life.
he genius of Einstein is well known to the world. He continued to enthral the world with his magnificent inventions and theories. But not everyone knows that he also met with the golden jewels of India. Here is a quick walkthrough to the meeting of Einstein with Satyendra Nath Bose and Rabindra Nath Tagore.

Albert Einstein and his contribution to the world

Born on March 14, 1879, in Germany, Einstein is the literal synonym of Genius. The Nobel Prize winner was the most influential physicist of the 20th century. Here are some of the theories and inventions of Albert Einstein that count the most:
·         Mass-Energy Relation
·         Quantum Theory of Light
·         Special theory of Relativity
·         General Theory of Relativity
·         Brownian Movement
·         Manhattan Project
·         Bose-Einstein Condensate etc.

Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose

Bose-Einstein relation can be very well traced to Bose-Einstein condensate. Satyendra Nath Bose, the Indian pearl of science, derived the Planks quantum radiation law without referencing classical physics while he was in Dhaka University in 1924.


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