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CA chapter 2 notes class 10

1)Fill in the blanks.
 a.       Google is a good example of a Search Engine.
 b.      Search engines broadly consist of three components: The Crawler, The Index, The Search Algorithm.
 c.       An E-mail program enables you to send, receive and manage your message through the World Wide Web.
 d.      Download means to transfer files from the system you have called to the computer you are using. e.      Upload means to transfer files from your hard disk to the Computer System you have accessed by a modem.
 f.  News Group  provide a good way to exchange information with people of similar interests.
 g.       Telnet is a medium that allow a user to log in to a remote computer and function as if he/she are connected directly to that computer.
 h.      FTP helps you to exchange files between computers on the internet.
 i.        E-banking is also called online banking.
 j.        The buying and selling of product on the Internet is called E-Commerce.
2) Write T for true statement and F for the false one. Correct the false statement(s).
 a.       An e-mail is an electronic message sent from one computer to another. (T)
 b.      If you receive an e-mail notification that you have won a lottery of Rs. 50,000 immediately replies with your name and telephone number. (F)
Correct Answer: - If you receive an e-mail notification that you have won a lottery of Rs. 50,000 don’t give any reply with your name or telephone number or etc.
 c.     The acronym of BCC is Broad Carbon Copy. (F)
Correct Answer: - The acronym of BCC is Blind Carbon Copy.
 d.      You cannot add emoticons to your e-mail message. (T)
 e.      You can send the same message to several people at the same time. (T)
 f.        You can have video chat and audio chat. (T)
 g.       A person who posts the entries in a blog is called blogger. (T)
 h.      You cannot send picture online. (F)
Correct Answer: - We can send picture online.
 i.        On Twitter, the message can be up to 1000 characters. (F)
Correct Answer:-  On Twitter, the message can be up to 140 characters.(F)
 j.        Cloud is a space on the Internet that can be used for storage of files and online sharing.(T)           3)
A)Short-answer questions.    
 1.       Define surfing.     
 Ans.:-  Exploring information on the web is called web surfing.    
 2.       Name any three  search engines.     
Ans.:- Some search engines are: Google, Magellan, Yahoo ,Hotbot, Excit, Lycos, Webcrawler, Khoj, Infoseek etc.    
 3.       What do you understand  by chat rooms?    
 Ans.:- Chat Room is a virtual room where a chat session takes place.    
 4.       What are newsgroups?    
Ans.:- Newsgroups are similar to e-mail except that instead of sending  our message to someone’s   mail box, the message is posted on a bulletin board where anyone can read it and respond. This allows a discussion to take place among several people.    
 5.       Name any two sites that offer the service of free e-maili     
Ans.:-  Some sites that offer the service of free e-mail account are:,, etc.    
 6.       What is Telnet?    
 Ans.:- A medium that allows our PC to connect to another network and login as if we were on that system.     
 7.       What is video conferencing?     
Ans:- Video Conferencing or Video Teleconference(VTC) represents a real-life meeting environment. It has brought the world much closer than it was before. With the help of VTC facility we can see each other while talking.   
  8.       What is FTP?   
 Ans.:-  File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is a standard Internet protocol is the simplest way to exchange   files between computers on the Internet. It uses the Internet’s TCP/IP protocols.    
 9.       What is E-learning?    
 Ans.:- E-learning refers to education using electronic delivery methods such as CD, DVD, Video Conferencing, Web sites and E-mail.   
 10.   What is E-group?
 Ans:- An e-group is an easy-to-use e-mail group service. As a member of an e-group, we can send an e-mail or message to all the register members of the group by using a single email address.
 B. Long-answer questions 
1. How does a search engine find information on a specific topic? Explain with an example.
 Ans:- The steps are:-             
a.       Connect our computer  to the internet.            
 b.      Open the Web Browser such as Internet Explorer.            
 c.       Type or at the address bar and press Enter.           
 d.      Type a phrase or words related with our search topic such as CPU on the Search box and press Enter key. Few moments later some search result  appears.           
  e.      Click any one search result as our wish and display the desired information for us. 
2. Define the following terms:
 i. Uploading.
 ii. Downloading.
  Ans:-  Uploading:-  Uploading files means to transfer files from our computer’s hard disk drive to the computer system. 
 Downloading:-  Downloding files means to transfer files from the system we have called to the  computer’s hard disk drive.   
3. What do you understand by chat room?  
Ans:-  Chat is a program that enables us to communicate with others in real-time (there and   then) through text messages. Online textual talk is called chatting. Web sites offering online chat are called Chat rooms.  
 4. Write any four facilities provided by the Internet.       
Ans:-  Some facilities are:-         
 a.       E-Commerce.          
b.      E-Learning.          
c.       E-Banking.         
 d.      E-Shopping.         
 e.      E-Reservations.          
f.        E-Groups, etc. 
  5. What are the steps for sending an e-mail? Explain with an example.      
 Ans:-  The steps are:- 
                        Connect our computer to the internet.
                  Open any web browser such as Firefox.
                       Type  at the address bar and press Enter. Home page of Gmail appears.
                       Type the username and password at username box and password box respectively.
                       Click on “sign in” button. Our E-mail account appears
.                       Click on “Compose mail” button.
                     Type our friend’s (recipient) e-mail address at “To” box, write the subject at the “Subject” box and then type our text at the “text” box.
                   Now, just click on “Send” button to send it to our friend.
                   Finally, click on “Sign out” button to close our account.
  6. What is the different between Cc  and Bcc?    
  Ans:- The fullform of Cc is Carbon Copy. It allows us to send the same message to several people at the same time. In this case, every recipient will know to whom all the mail has been sent. This field is optional. The fullform of Bcc is Blind Carbon Copy. It allows us to send the same message to several people at the same time but in this case, no anyone recipient will know to who all the mail has been sent. This field is optional.
 7. What is VTC?  How does it takes place?      
 Ans:-  The fullform of VTC is Video conferencing or Video TeleConference(VTC) represents a real-life meeting environment. It has brought the world much closer than it was before. With the help of VTC facility, we can see other people while talking to them. A camera takes the video picture and also records the associated audio. The picture and the audio signal are converted into compressed digital signals. This converted audio and video signal are transmitted through a modem to the other end where they are converted back into the picture and audio, which is projected on the screen on the screen and heard through the speakers.

 8. Explain four kinds of e-commerce models. 
Ans:- There are four kinds of e-commerce models :-         
 a.       Business-to-Business(B2B).         
 b.      Business-to-Cinsumer(B2C).          
c.       Consumer-to-Consumer(C2C)          
d.      Digital middlemen.
9. Write shot notes on
 (i) blogs,
(ii) e-reservation, and
(iii) social networking.  
Ans.:- (i) Blog:- A blog is a type of web site, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of news on a particular subject, descriptions of events, graphics or videos.
(ii) E-reservation:-  E-reservation allows us to reserve our seat in rail or airplane, hotal, cruise, cinema, make appointment to a clinic, and many more without leaving our seat. 
(iii) Social Networking:- Social networking focuses on building online communities of people who share interest and/or activities. These web sites are being used by millions of people regularly to communicate and share information.
10.What is E-learning? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
 Ans:- E-learning refers to education using electronic delivery methods such as CD, DVD,Video Conferencing, Web sites and E-mail.  The Advantages of E-learning are:-
       a.       It reduces the travel time and cost.     
  b.      The study material can be accessed conveniently at any time and any place.     
  c.       It promotes self-paced learning.      
 d.      It encourages students to take responsibility of their learning and therefore, builds      self-confidence.      
 e.      The lesson can be made more interactive by combining text with audio, video, animations, etc.        f.        The same content is delivered to every learner, which avoids problems such as different teacher supplying different materials on the same subject.      
 g.       The cost associated with infrastructure, instructor’s salary etc., is reduced.
 The Disadvantages of E-learning to Students:-     
 a.       Basic knowledge of computers is necessary to access and use course content.    
  b.      Printed books can be read  anywhere, but for e-learning, one needs to have access to a computer/laptop. An Internet connection may also be required.     
 c.      There is no social and cultural interaction.     
 d.     The initial cost of developing course content may be quite high and updating the same would require further investment.
 4. Choose the correct option. 
a.       The program that lets you send, receive and manage your messages through WWW. 
  (i)                 Web browser.  
 (ii)               Web site.  
 (iii)             E-mail.  
 (iv)              Home Page.  
 Ans:- (iii)  E-mail.
b.      The Bcc option in e-mail message is used to 
 (i)                 Add the address of the sender.  
(ii)               Add the address of the recipient.
  (iii)             Attach document to the message. 
 (iv)             Send the same message to several people at the same time without letting them know that others have also received the same message. 
 Ans:- (iv) Send the same message to several people at the same time without letting them know that others have also received the same message.
 c.       A folder that contains the details of incoming messages.
      (i)                 Sent.     
 (ii)               Draft.     
 (iii)             Inbox.     
 (iv)              Deleted.    
 Ans:-  (iii) Inbox.
d.    The option used to send the received message to someone else. 
  (i)                 Reply.  
 (ii)               Forward.  
 (iii)             Delete. 
  (iv)              New.  
  Ans:- (ii) Forward.
e.      The option used to create a new message.  
  (i)                 Delete.   
 (ii)               Forward.  
  (iii)             Reply All.  
  (iv)              New.    
 Ans:- (iv) New
f.        Which one of the following is not a social networking Web site?  
 (i)          Twitter  
 (ii)         Facebook.  
 (iii)             MySpace.  
 (iv)              Hotmail.   
 Ans:- (iv) Hotmail.
 g.     This category of newsgroup covers the scientific topic.   
 (i)                 Edu   
 (ii)               Sci  
 (iii)             Taik
   (iv)              Biz.   
Ans:- (ii) Sci
h.  Which one of the following is not a chat software?  
 (i)                 Windows Live Messenger.  
 (ii)               Google Talk. 
  (iii)             Yahoo! Messenger.  
 (iv)              Photoshop.  
  Ans:-  (iv) Photoshop
i.        A school’s Web site, which provides study material to students is an example of     
 (i)                 E-governance    
 (ii)               E-business    
 (iii)             E-learning   
  (iv)              E-mail.     
Ans:- (iii) E-learning
j.        An online operation of bank account is an example of    
 (i)                 E-governance.    
 (ii)               E-business.    
 (iii)             E-learning.    
 (iv)              E-mail. 
 Ans:- (i) E-governance


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