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CA chapter1 notes

1)  Fill in the blanks.
 a.      In 1969 DOD of United States of America, started a network called ARPANET.
  b.      Every computer on the network exchanges information according to certain rules called protocols.
c.      Two protocos used for working with the internet are Internet protocol(IP) and Transmission Control Protocol(TCP).
  d.      Every network and computer system on the Internet has an address called Internet Protocal(IP) address
e.      A modem is a computer peripheral that allows you to connect and communicate with other computer via telephone lines.
 f.      The WWW is a series of serves that are interconnected through hypertext.
 g.      A hyperlink is a program that helps the user to navigate the WWW.
 h.      Home Page is a page where information resides in pages.
 i.      A Web Page is simply a collection of informattion that is designed to be accessed in a special way. 
j.  The information on a website must also be speciallycoded using the HTML. 

2. Write T for the ture ststement and F for the false one. Correct the false ststement(s).
 a. Internet is a network of network. (T)
 b. The communication protocol is TP.(F)
Correct Ans:- The communication protocol is HTTP.
 c. The conversion of analog signals into digital signals is called modulation.(F)
 Correct Ans:- The conversion of digital signals into anolog signals is called modulation.
d. Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity.(T)
e. A modem can send a fax from your computer to a fax machine.(T)
 f. A Web page is a special type of file written in HTML.(T)
g. A browser program can read and interpret HTML document.(T)
3)A) Short-answer questions.
 1.      What is Internet?
 Ans.:- Internet is an interconnection between several computer of different types belonging to various networks all over the world. It is a global of networks.

2.      What are the things you required to have Internet?
 Ans.:-  We need to have Internet are-                   
 1.  An Internet connection.
 2.                   A Modem.
 3.                    Internet access.
 4.                    A program which controls the communication of data over the hardware  component.

3.      Define browser. Name two popular browsers.
Ans.:- Web browser is a communication program that reads and interprets HTML documents on the WWW(World Wide Web). Some popular Web browsers are:-
 1.                 Microsoft Internet Explorer.
 2.                  Netscape Navigator.
 3.                  Mozilla Firefox.
 4.                  Safari.
 5.                 Opera, etc.

4.      What is WWW?
 Ans.:- The fullform of WWW is World Wide Web. It  is an information system of interlinked hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet and built on top of the Domain Name System. It has also commonly become known simply as the Web. 

5.      What are the two web addressing methods?
 Ans.:- There are two web addressing methods---
 1.                   Letter Addressing System.
 2.                  Number Addressing System.
 6.      What is Hypertext?
Ans.:- Hypertext is basically an ordinary text that has some extra features such as formatting, images, multimedia and links to other documents.
 7.      Define a URL.
Ans.:- The fullform of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. A web addressing scheme that gives the exact location of a document on WWW.
 8.      What is HTTP?
 Ans.:-  The fullform of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a communication protocol used to transfer all kind of information on the web.
 9.      What is a Home Page?
 Ans.:- Home Page is the first web page of a web browser or a website. 
10.  Name two Internet protocols used by the WWW.
 Ans.:-  The two Internet Protocols are
 Internet Protocol(IP) and Transmission Control Protocol(TCP).
 B)Long-answer question. 
1.      How did Internet come into existence?
 Ans.:- In 1969, the Department of Defence(DOD) of United States of America started a network called Advanced Research Projects Agency Network(ARPANET). It was started with one computer in California and three in Utah. Later, the military allowed universities to join the network for sharing the hardware and software resources. It grew bigger and bigger and gave birth to the present-day very popular Internet.
 2.      What is a modem? Explain how it works?
 Ans.:- Modem is a computer peripheral divice that allows us to connect and communicate with other computer via telephone lines. It converts the digital data into analog data and viceversa. The fullform of Modem is Modulation and Demodulation. The process of converting  digital data into analog data is called Modulation. And The process of converting analog data into digital data is called Demodulation. There are two type of Modem-
1.                    Internal Modem
 2.                  External Modem Internal Modem: Internal Modem is a Modem which is placed inside the CPU. External Modem:  External Modem is a Modem which is placed outside the  CPU.
 3.      What is a website and a webpage?
 Ans.:- Website:- A website is a collection of related of one or many web pages, images, videos and other digital assets hosted on a web server. WebPage:- The WWW comprises a large collection of document called web pages. It ia an electronic document written in a computer language called Hypertext Markup Language(HTML). Each web page has a unique address, called URL that identifies its location on the network.
 4.      Differntiate between a web page and a home page.
 Ans.:- The defferent between a web page and a home page are:-
a) The WWW comprises a large collection of document called web page on the otherhand the first web page of a web site or web browser is called Home Page.

b) A web page may or may not be a home page on the otherhand a home page is always a web page.
 c) A web page is desined to provide detail information on any topic that a user demands on the otherhand a Home page is desingned to provide an overview of the content of the website.

5.      Differentiate between absolute URL and relative URL.
 Ans.:-  The different between absolute URL and relative URL are:-
a) An Absolute URL is a fully qualified URL which specifies the exact location of a resource that residing on the internet on the other hand  a Relative URL is a partially qualified URL which specifies the partial location of a resource that residing on the the internet.
 b) An Absolute URL is Independent on the otherhand  a Relative URL is dependent.
c)  An Absolute URL are not easily portable on the otherhand  a Relative URL are easily protable.
 6. Explain the letter addressing system.
Ans:- The web address of any computer or network can be given using alphabets. This is called the letter addressing system and it is popularly known as the Domain Name System(DNS).

7. What are Web addresses?
 Ans:- The Internet has millions of computers attached to it. In order to communicate, every computer connected to the Internet has a unique address whose format is defined by the Internet Protocol(IP) addressing system. Every computer connected to the internet has its unique web address, without which it cannot be reached by other computers. Also called universal resource locator or Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
 8. What is the number addressing system?
Ans:- Every TCP/IP network requires a unique network number, and every host on a TCP/IP network requires a unique IP address. The number addressing system takes care of this. A numeric or IP address comprises four numbers, each less than 256, joined together. An IP address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a network interface on a machine. IP addresses are written in decimal digits, formatted as four 8-bit fields, separated by periods. Each 8-bit field represents a byte of the IP address. The byte ranges from 0 to 255.
 9. How does the Internet work?
Ans:-  When data is passed from one computer system to another, it is broken up into pieces called packets using TCP. Each packet contains 1500 bytes or characters. IP adds the IP address of the sender and the destination to each packet so that it reaches the correct destination. The packets are passed from one network to another until they reach their destination. At the destination, TCP reassembles the packets into a complete message. If packets are garbled, a request is sent to the sender to resend them. 10.  Explain any three methods of Internet access.
 Ans:- The methods are:-
a)Dial-up:- It is a connection between the computer and the ISP with the help of a modem. Dial-up connection is a limited time-duration connection that uses a telephone line to connect to the ISP server. b)ISDN:- ISDN lines are used to transmit data over digital telephone lines.
 c)Broadband Service:- Broadband Internet access, often shortened to broadband, is a highdata-transmission rate Internet connection.

4. Choose the correct option.
 a. Wi-Fi stands for
 (i) Wireless File.
 (ii) Wireless Fidelity.
 (iii) Wiring Fidelity.
 (iv) none of these.
 Ans:- (ii) Wireless Fidelity
 b. A popular consumer broadband technology.
(i) DSL
 (ii) URL
 (iii) Wi-Fi
(iv) none of these.
 Ans:- (i) DSL
  c. First page of a Web site is called
 (i) Web page
 (ii) Home page
 (iii) first page
 (iv) none of these.
 Ans:- (ii) Home page.
 d. A collection of one or many related Web pages, images, videos and other digital assets hosted on a Web server.
 (i) Web site
 (ii) URL
 (iii) Both i and ii
 (iv) none of these
 Ans:- (i) Web site 
e. Areas with Wi-Fi service.
 (i) Wi-Fi area
 (ii) Wi-Fi spot
 (iii) Hot spot
 (iv) none of these
 Ans:-  (iii) Hot spot.
 f. is an example of
 (i) relative URL
 (ii) absolute URL
 (iii) both i and ii
 (iv) none of these.
 Ans:-(ii) absolute URL.
  g. _________________ part of represents service provider.
 (i) http
 (ii) www
(iv) none of these.
 Ans:- (i) http
 h. Program that helps the user to navigate WWW.
(i) Web site
 (ii) Browser
 (iii) Web page
 (iv) none of these.
 Ans:- (ii) Browse.
 i. Every computer on a network exchange information according to certain rules called
 (i) protocols
 (ii) networking
 (iii) surfing
 (iv) none of these
 Ans:- (i) protocols
 j. Which part of TCP/IP is responsible for breaking up data into small pieces at all source computer?
 (i) IP
(ii) TCP
 (iii) Both i and ii
 (iv) none of these
. Ans:-  (ii) TCP


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